
Archive for May, 2012

Last Monday my darling husband and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary. For dinner, we went back to the restaurant he took me to on my very first trip to the UK in 2007 – Rules. Rules is located in Covent Garden and is London’s oldest restaurant (established in 1798) and has served a wide range from Charles Dickens to the Prince of Wales. With silver service, guests are treated to traditional English food of the highest quality. The restaurant owns an estate in Northern England where it sources game and beef of the finest quality.

As the restaurant is a favorite of the Royal family, it was fitting I had a starter cocktail called the Kate Middleton “29” with Sipsmith, Pinky Vodka, Lillet and Crystellised Violet & Rose Petals.


For starters Chris had the pressed wild rabbit terrine with black pudding, cider jelly and mustard with grilled sourdough. I had traditional potted shrimp for the first time. Both were incredibly fresh and full of flavor.

As we did nearly five years ago, we ordered the roast beef for two with all the trimmings. And from looking around the room it was pretty clear that this was the menu favorite. This has to be THE best roast meal I’ve ever had and it was just as good as we remembered it to be. The meat was perfectly cooked rare and seasoned just right. The Yorkshire pudding was massive, and the creamy horseradish was homemade. But the potatoes.. Oh my.. I am not normally a potato lover. I eat them but I’m never dying for them. But these must have been The most incredible potatoes I’ve ever had. They were so crispy and golden that you really had to push your fork into them. Apparently they are roasted first in goose fat and then deep fried in the same fat! Yum yum yum… This dish is a classic example of how food does not always have to be complex to be good. Great, fresh ingredients treated with care can be absolute perfection!


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