
Posts Tagged ‘poutine’

So as you can tell, I’ve been pretty healthy recently.. Well sometimes a girl just needs some carbs! Having a pregnant sister that lives around the corner is a really good excuse too. So we went to the Moveable Feast just down the road. It’s a street food market set up in the parking lot right by the VTA stop at Curtner & Canoas Garden. There are usually about 15 or so trucks that vary week to week. There are both sweet and savory trucks, and some even take credit card over a certain amount. As it’s set up in a parking lot, little buckets are provided by the Moveable Feast group (along with temporary toilets). It can get pretty busy so be prepared to wait in line! But it’s usually worth the wait.

Here are some highlights.. Check out the Grilled Cheese Bandits. (Need I say more?!) One thing I noticed about these guys is that they were really nice and organized. They made sure to label both our orders. And I really like how they serve it in a box. Despite being just a small sandwich, the fact that it’s in a box and not wrapped in foil means it doesn’t get soggy! And FYI the Texas toast was the most incredible, light, fluffy, crispy bread.

The Butch Cassidy (provolone, Russian dry salami, Organic San Francisco sourdough batard)

The Dillinger (garlic jack with homemade garlic seasoning on Texas toast)

Our next stop was the Little Chef Counter which specializes in Poutine. Poutine is a dish that originated in Quebec. It’s a dish of French fries topped with gravy and cheese curds. The Little Chef Counter have elevated the dish one more step by adding either braised short ribs or duck confit. Feast your eyes on it…

Poutine with gravy, duck confit and cheese curds

Another great truck that I didn’t manage to get a picture of (because I was too busy eating..) is the BBQ Kalbi. We had a Bibimbahp Burrito which was filled with grilled meat, rice and lots of veggies and sauce. Their side sauces were great too.. There was a mango one we loved. As you can see, I have no photo because I was unable to stop consuming the burrito! Definitely a must try..

And last but not least, I must rave about Fairy Cakes. These guys are almost always at this Moveable Feast location and thank goodness for it. I dream about these cupcakes.. I’ve had Sprinkles and Magnolia’s.. But these cupcakes.. First of all I love their unique flavors like my favorites: the Elvis (organic banana cake filled with chocolate ganache, topped with peanut butter buttercream) & the PB&J (rich vanilla cake with raspberry jelly surrounded with peanut butter buttercream). Their carrot cake is also extremely exceptional.. They’re so good I’ll be ordering them for my sister’s baby shower! Highly recommended! Oh, by the way, they serve it with ice cold Organic low fat milk. So perfect.

Fairy Cakes

Sigh.. At least we walked back to my sister’s house after this piggy session! Until next time..

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